Need To Get A Dive Medical?

Diving Medicals

We have doctors with postgraduate qualifications in diving medicine, and are able to assess you for your fitness to dive.

Recreational diving medicals

Scuba diving schools require that you provide a medical certificate in some circumstances for fitness to dive before you can participate in a diving course. You will be assessed according to the Australian Standard (AS4005.1) for dive medicals. If you pass, you will be provided with a certificate and a diver's medical card.

Standard lung function and hearing tests are required for diving medicals, and we have the facilities to perform these at our clinic.

contact information

Travel Medicine Centre Perth

Ground Floor, 200 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000

Tel 08 9321 7888
Fax+61 8 9321 0899

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 5.00 pm
  • Friday: 8 am to 4.00 pm
  • (Closed on Public Holidays)

After Hours Locum Service: 132660